Psychiatry OPD.

You can get appointment for psychiatric consultation at our Rehab with expert consultant psychiatrist and psychologist. Those are experienced in the field of psychiatry with specialized qualification and a broad range of experience. They receive high quality education and training in the prevention, diagnoses and treatment of all mental health disorder.
our psychiatric department here to provide consultation you must apply for an appointment in advance to consult for all mental health issues and their treatment. you can consult for Substance Use Disorder and Addictive Behavior Treatment, Schizophrenia treatment, Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, Anger issues, obsessive compulsive disorder, Traumatic Stress Disorder, personality disorder, concentration issues, sleep disorder, Memory related issues, eating disorder, Dementia, and manage chronic illness as well.
Moreover, our psychiatrist provides for crises management, stress management and evaluate the emotional and behavioral functioning of individual and design management plan if you have mental health issues that require special attention psychiatric send to our psychologist.